Ever seen anyone tie family, teenagers, social media marketing and websites into ONE THING? This “Raggedy Mom” enjoys life with three kids (six if you count the dogs and husband), a full time job with Bizopia – Houston Digital Marketing Agency and Website Design agency, and various other hobbies such as coaching swimming & volleyball, social media, high school sports (football, swimming and baseball), and college sports, along with getting way to involved in outside organizations!
Why The Raggedy Mom? Well actually, I collect Raggedy Anns – the doll – for absolutely no reason, other than they are a classic part of my childhood. I adopted a Raggedy Ann logo in the early days of the world wide web, because safety was still a concern with photos. LOOK AT US TODAY. A personal family blog mixed with work. As owners of Bizopia, it’s an obvious association of interests!
Due to my Director of Marketing job at Bizopia managing the search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing tasks and team, the family website gets put on the back burner; HOWEVER, I will forever try to attempt to tie it all together. If you are reading this, you either know my family OR you are into social media and/or websites. And for this Remy family, it’s all one big bundle.
Looking to share and learn a little bit of a lot of things….here we go!
~ Melanie