It’s was one of those weekends where everything seemed to be a bit tied to work. My youngest played in “Friday Night Under the Lights.” Our community, New Territory, looks forward to these wonderful spring-ish Friday nights for good old-fashioned hot dogs, hamburgers and baseball. YOUTH baseball that is. Grant’s game was at 6:00pm – […]
Houston SEO – New Website Design
Well – it’s finally here! We’ve almost finished the new and IMPROVED Bizopia – Houston Website Design and SEO – website. It’s been hard for us to find the time to revamp OUR own website. I am now finally to the point where I’m updating the text and tags. We’ve added so many new services […]
Houston Gun Shop
I am cracking up. I try to not to get political here, but I just have to today. I was actually reading the Houston Business Journal a minute ago and read an article on the front page about a gun shop. My interest was totally peaked because we’ve finished our newest website for a Houston […]
FunnySEO & Marketing – the MacBurger
In a Facebook exchange today with a few of my friends (Susan Sternberg has an AWESOME photography blog on Smugmug and Tina Tilghman is a massage therapist at the New Territory Club – both out of Sugar Land), we were discussing the MacBook. As the director of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SMO (Social Media […]
SEO – Keyword Strategies
I’m constantly pondering blog posts……..I just like posting. It gives me a break from some of the more mundane tasks of my daily routine and job. If done right, blogging can be tied in to these SEO tasks. Today my main goal is to finish a large gun store project. It’s been fun learning about all […]
SEO & Facebook
This is going to be the first of a few Facebook related posts……………..Networked Blogs is a pretty cool tool where you can have your blog or others’ blogs posted to your own profile page automatically. This will increase traffic to your own blog or someone elses’ blog……and just flat get the information out there for […]
SEO and Swim Coaching – Same Strategy?
I’ve written before about SEO being a “word game” to me and got quite a few questions from friends and followers. SEO or SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is defined in Wiki-land as the process of improving volume and/or quality of traffic to a website. Now, if you’ve been following this blog, you know that I coach […]