the raggedy mom

Life can be a bit raggedy at times - but that's okay, right?

Homecoming – Newcomings 2011

It’s that time. Teens plotting and planning for Homecoming (or Newcoming for my George Ranch friends). Do I ask a date OR do I attend with a group of friends. School groups are organizing dinners and mum-making-parties…….it’s a fun time. It can also be a stressful time for all. My “newcoming” friends are all doing this for the first time since they were in high school – which is kind of funny (wasn’t so funny for me 3 years ago -ha!) to watch. I have to mention out loud – my friends at George Ranch in LCISD – who have found a way for their kids to do what all the other schools are doing, but under a VERY creative name. NEWCOMING. They are a new school, only has freshman – juniors this year. So technically, there is NO ONE COMING HOME! Thus the newcoming…..

Austin High School, where my kids attend, has this down to a science. ProGrad takes orders, assembles and sells Homecoming mums. I think that is an AWESOME idea. What a great fundraiser. Students and moms – maybe some dads, who knows, put this together.

The Austin Angels, the dance team at AHS, are putting on a Homecoming Dinner & Auction. Food by Pappas BBQ. Another great Texas tradition – bbq and football. Dinner tickets are going to be sold September 26-30 in the AHS Commons AND by all members of the Austin Angels. These tickets are ONLY $10. What a deal! Entertainment by the Angels, dinner by Pappas AND an Auction? I know where I expect to see all my friends on October 12th.  Homecoming is that weekend, and yes, I realize my kids have a swim meet that weekend that has a location of TBA. Ugh!

Just wanted to share the information with y’all! If you want to share with your friends, visit the Austin Booster Club website for more information! GO DAWGS!

A bit #raggedy at times, but that's ok, right? Love all things Family, Aggie, AHS Bulldogs & Digital Marketing! #SociallyBizzy #SEOciallyCorrect #Bizopia #TexasSEO