the raggedy mom

Life can be a bit raggedy at times - but that's okay, right?

SEO Tips – Page Titles

I still can’t get over how many website have garbage in the their Page Titles……….come on now. It helps ANYONE and EVERYONE searching on Google/Yahoo – whatever search engine. Now let’s think about this, why would you NOT want people to be able to find you easier? I just don’t get it.

My friends always ask – what do you do all day? What is SEO? As my husband is the CEO and owner of Bizopia, the company I work for and a Houston Website Design and SEO, everyone thinks SEO on my email signature is some play off that. I’ve heard Supporting Executive Officer, Second “En” Office……ha! That is SO not it.

I play word games all day. That’s what I normally say. SEO or search engine optimization is technically a game of semantics. What works for Google? What’s the best word combination? So I’ve decided to post little blurbs on SEO (what I do) for my friends, mainly for those trying to take care of their own websites……so here’s my first tip……

FIX YOUR DANG PAGE TITLES / TITLE TAGS – and keep it under 70 characters.  I use Mozilla Firefox and I HATE long title tags because they don’t fit on the tab – but that’s just personal 🙂 . There all kinds of character counters out there on the web so you don’t have to count by hand. I’ve built a massive spreadsheet in Excel so when I’m designing a new page, I can keep everything in one place. It works for me – you have to figure out what work for you! Get one or two keywords applicable to the content on the page – don’t try to stuff it though. The SE’s are awfully smart. Moving on the Meta Descriptions (or Meta D’s) next week!

Back to my “word games.” If you can make your job a game……… makes life much more pleasant! Have a great weekend!

A bit #raggedy at times, but that's ok, right? Love all things Family, Aggie, AHS Bulldogs & Digital Marketing! #SociallyBizzy #SEOciallyCorrect #Bizopia #TexasSEO